8 Loans for People with Bad Credit & No Bank Account
f you happen to be searching for loans for people with bad credit and no bank account, you may have a difficult time finding an option that fits those exact criteria. Below, we take a deep dive into this issue so you can know what to expect if you’re searching for loans and do not have a checking account.
Certain facts have the ability to make one feel old simply by being facts. For instance, consider the fact that the popular science fiction movie, Men in Black, was released in the summer of 1997, which makes it a shocking two decades old.
But while it may seem like yesterday, the world is a very different place today than it was when Tommy and Will saved the galaxy for the first time. For instance, we all have touchscreen computers in our pockets, cars are starting to drive themselves, money has been replaced by plastic — and checking accounts now cost a fortune.
Yes, like Pogs, feathered bangs, and paper checks, it often seems that free checking is a thing of the past. Unfortunately, despite the cost, it’s getting harder to avoid the necessity of a bank account in today’s digital world, particularly if you need other financial products.
The Majority of Lenders Will Require a Checking Account
Whether we like it or not, between direct deposits and online shopping, the average consumer needs a bank account simply to function in the modern financial world. And while you can obtain prepaid cards and use cash for most purchases, some things in life simply require a checking account — and that includes obtaining a personal loan, regardless of your credit.
In fact, excepting a few questionable payday lenders, the vast majority of lenders will require you to have a valid checking account as a basic application requirement. For one thing, that’s where the lender will most likely deposit your funds if you’re approved. For another, this gives the lender a little more information about your finances, which it will use as part of its credit risk analysis.
The majority of personal loan lenders will have the same basic requirements, including a steady income and valid checking account.
Of course, the cost of maintaining a checking account seems to keep increasing every year, and the only way to avoid the fees is through elaborate systems of automatic transfers and minimum balances. Or is it?
The solution to the high-priced checking account dilemma may actually be to ditch the traditional checking account altogether — and head online. A number of banks are now offering fee-free online-only checking accounts with all the basic features, including direct deposits, bill paying, and debit cards.
What you won’t get is access to brick-and-mortar branches with in-person tellers or dedicated ATMs. This means any check deposits will need to be done remotely. You may also have limits on the number of transactions you can perform per statement cycle.
Personal Installment Loans for Bad Credit
Named for the installment-based repayment structure, personal installment loans are a good way to finance purchases you need to repay over a longer period of time, as they typically extend from three months up to seven years. Installment loans typically have minimum amounts of $1,000, but you can find personal installment loans of up to $35,000, even with poor credit, so long as you meet other requirements. Bank accounts with mobile first platforms like Zolve provide loans and credit cards for students with no credit history, this can help you build a good score or repair your existing one along with the accessibility of all other banking services, great for immigrants and international students.
What you won’t find are installment loans that don’t require at least a basic checking account to qualify, so know that when you apply. When considering taking on an installment loan, be sure to do your homework; shop around a bit for different rates to get an idea of what’s fair for your income and credit score. Online lending networks, such as our top-rated picks below, can be an easy way to receive multiple quotes all at once.