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Brain Bleed After A Crash: Can I Sue?

Brain Bleed After A Crash: Can I Sue?


A brain bleed after a car accident is a traumatic injury that occurs when blood leaks into the spaces around your brain. When this happens, your brain doesn’t have enough room to expand, which can cause pressure in other parts of your skull as well as potential problems with swelling and/or bleeding. A large brain bleed—also known as an epidural hematoma—can be life-threatening and requires immediate surgery. Left untreated, a brain bleed can cause death, disability or lasting damage.

What Is a Brain Bleed?

A brain bleed occurs when blood vessels in the brain rupture. This can be caused by the whipping motion caused by the impact of a crash. A person’s brain whips back and forth within their skull, shearing the blood vessels that connect to the brain. The blood then pools in the area between the brain and skull, putting pressure on and damaging that portion of the brain, thus impairing the brain’s ability to control vital functions such as breathing, muscle control, and speech.

Why Is a Brain Bleed Dangerous?

A brain bleed can be dangerous because it can cause permanent damage to your brain. Brain bleeds can result in:

Suing the driver who caused your brain to bleed

If you have suffered a brain bleed after a crash, you may be able to file a car accident lawsuit against the at-fault driver. This may allow you to recover compensation for your pain and suffering as well as money damages to pay for your medical care and treatment. Additionally, if your brain bleed has disabled you from working, you may be able to recover damages through your lawsuit to reimburse you and your family for the wages you were unable to earn because you were disabled from working.

Symptoms of a Brain Bleed

Diagnostic Testing for a Brain Bleed

If you’ve suffered a brain bleed, your doctor will likely order diagnostic testing to determine the cause. Imaging tests like MRI and CT scans can show whether there is bleeding in the brain and where it’s located.

Treatment for a Brain Bleed


If you have suffered a brain bleed after a crash, you may be able to sue the at-fault driver for compensation and monetary damages. This is a very serious injury with potentially life-threatening consequences. Always seek medical attention as soon as you are able.

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