March 19, 2025 2:50:15 AM
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The summer season also has its charm that involves planning holidays, partying with friends, and gorging on lip-smacking desserts and shakes. However, this season can give you a tough time when it comes to your physical health. It is the hottest time of the year during which you become inactive in your daily activities. Apart from all the excitement, this season may cause allergies, heatstroke, dehydration, and other illnesses that can be challenging for you. Hence, it is very crucial to maintain your health throughout this season.

Mentioned below are some of the solid tips that you must take during summers. In addition to this, know why you must buy a health insurance policy.

  • Exercise Regularly: When summers approach, it is apparent that you will find ways to laze around and avoid working out due to hot weather. To get rid of laziness, you must work out. It will help you strengthen muscles and improve your immunity to minimize the risk of catching allergies or infections.  It is advisable to have a work-out routine as this will keep you active and help you stay in shape.
  • Keep Yourself Hydrated: This healthy tip is highly recommended in summers but essential for all seasons. Drinking adequate water will help you detoxify your body and balancing your body fluids. Dehydration in summers can cause you serious illnesses.
  • Eat Right: Eating fresh and small meals help you to stay healthy in the summer season. Avoid overheated food, extra spices, and oily. Increase the intake of fresh fruits and veggies with the right amount of dairy products.  Keep a balanced but mixed diet that should include proteins, vitamins, and calcium.
  • Maintain Hygiene: It is essential to keep away from germs by maintaining your hygiene. Make sure to use sanitizer and mask whenever you are outdoors. By maintaining or ensuring hygiene, you can protect yourself and your family from viruses and germs.
  • Go for Regular Health Checkup: No matter how healthy you think you are, you must go for regular health checkups. You don’t realize if your body is going through any change. With routine checkups, you can keep track of your health.
  • Dress Up Adequately: If you want to enjoy the summer season, dress up accordingly. Say NAY to your denim, silk, polyester, etc.; such stuff does not allow air to pass and suffocate your body and also gives you extra sweating. Switch to cotton or linen; they are easy to carry and make you feel relax.
  • Invest in a Health Insurance Policy: During summers, older people with a weak immune system or having pre-existing diseases are prone to various health risks. But, if the rising medical cost and inflation creating hinder opt for a health insurance policy. Look for Care Insurance policies, ICICI health policies, etc. These companies offer comprehensive health insurance plans with numerous benefits along with COVID-19 cover.


Summers are good, but all you need to do is follow these above tips and buy a health insurance policy to beat the heat and stay worry-free.

Author Bio

Written by Meghan Hale, a content writer at Plant Sumo, You’ll find me yelling at my dog to stop barking, whether it be at the neighbors or on a long afternoon walk