March 25, 2025
What Are The Early Signs Of Pregnancy?

Getting pregnant can be one of your life’s most beautiful and exciting periods. Most women dream of growing a life and welcoming a baby into the world to start a new phase of life together. Every woman has a different body; thus, the early signs of pregnancy differ for everyone. The most common one is a missed period.

However, a missed or late period does not always mean you are pregnant. There are other signs that you should look out for. If you want to be sure, you can always do a pregnancy test or visit a gynecologist. when searching for a gynecologist, make sure you go for the best in town.

Early Signs Of Pregnancy

1. Missed Period.

The first early sign of pregnancy is a missed period. If you are in your childbearing years and it has been more than a week since your period is late, you could be pregnant. However, if you often experience an irregular menstrual cycle, this could be another instance of your irregularity. Nevertheless, it does not hurt to double-check with a pregnancy test.

Early pregnancy symptoms: Nine signs you could be expecting a baby - Daily  Star

2. Smell Sensitivity.

When pregnant, you may experience smell sensitivity, which increases your sense of smell, and you would find previously mild odors as strong and unappealing. Many women notice changes in their sense of smell during the first trimester of their pregnancy. It is this smell sensitivity that also triggers morning sickness in them.

3. Tender, Swollen Breasts.

Pregnancy can cause significant hormonal changes in the body, leading to tender and swollen breasts. You may have experienced such changes during your menstrual cycles as well, which also cause hormonal disbalances. Your breasts become more sensitive and may hurt to the touch. This discomfort will likely increase as time passes and your body tries to adjust to the hormonal changes.

4. Nausea.

It is not common for pregnant women to feel nauseated, with or without vomiting. Morning sickness is a common sign of pregnancy and begins one month after you become pregnant. Some women experience this throughout the day, while others never do.

5. Fatigue.

Fatigue is a common pregnancy sign for every mother-to-be. After all, carrying extra weight in your body that keeps increasing in weight every day while doing your everyday tasks is not easy, and you are bound to feel tired. When you get pregnant, a significant percentage of your energy goes to support your baby’s life, resulting in fatigue.